Athletes and Ambassadors
Meet Philip Carcia

Philip J. Carcia is a hiker, runner, and media creator who has logged over 15,000 miles on some of the most iconic trail networks in North America. Growing up in Massachusetts and cutting his teeth in New Hampshire, Carcia fostered a deep love affair with the mountains of the Northeast at an early age. Almost two-decades later, that love continues to widen, and has become an anchor in Carcia's personal and professional narrative. READ MORE
Meet Abishai Corey

Abishai Corey is an FIS Athlete from Lincoln, New Hampshire. She has been racing competitively since she was 8 years old and has been a member of the Waterville Valley Academy Race Team for the past 4 seasons. READ MORE
Meet Ryan Kempson

Kite surfer, coach, carpenter, timber framer, trail runner, mountain climber, cyclist, basketball player, skier, New Englander, obstacle course racing world champion. All this (and more) describes Ryan Kempson, one of our newest athletes and field testers. Although he’s a true renaissance man of outdoor adventure, Ryan has undoubtedly found his niche as an OCR (obstacle course racing) world champion. READ MORE
Meet Lyla Harrod

In 2021, Lyla decided to cash in her chips in the regular 9 to 5 to take on the Appalachian Trail, her first long-distance hike. About six weeks in she had figured out her systems, settled into some routines, shed unneeded gear and weight from her pack, and realized, “Damn. This is for me.” Since finishing the AT, Lyla has completed two more 2,000+ mile thru-hikes, three 700 - 800 mile thru-hikes, and three 230+ mile thru-hikes. She’s the first known trans woman to complete the triple crown (the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail). READ MORE