Meet Philip Carcia

Meet Philip Carcia

Philip J. Carcia is a hiker, runner, and media creator who has logged over 15,000 miles on some of the most iconic trail networks in North America. Growing up in Massachusetts and cutting his teeth in New Hampshire, Carcia fostered a deep love affair with the mountains of the Northeast at an early age. Almost two-decades later, that love continues to widen, and has become an anchor in Carcia's personal and professional narrative. Most recently, between August 23rd 2018 and July 7th 2019, Carcia climbed all 48 4,000 footers in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in every month, for 12 consecutive months, establishing the Fastest Known Time for one of the most grueling and obscure peak-bagging projects in the United States - the Single Year Grid.
Meet Lyla Harrod

Meet Lyla Harrod

Lyla rolled into Burgeon with her resume and a friendly smile early last fall, and what a happy day it was for us. In short order she became a keeper of the Lincoln store, a champion of Burgeon’s ideals and apparel, a mood-lightener and a grounded listener both, a friend, and an inspiring Burgeon Athlete. Lyla heads off on her next adventure soon, but we’re excited to introduce her as an indispensable member of our staff for the past seven months, and as an accomplished athlete whom we’re excited to support and partner with.
The Ups, and the Downs: Abishai Corey

The Ups, and the Downs: Abishai Corey

This year I have had to keep a clear mind while racing at the level I am in. Zero expectations is the only way I won’t destroy myself mentally. Sometimes I don’t even realize the amount of pressure I am putting myself under. 
Meet Tyler Murphy

Meet Tyler Murphy

Tyler is a born and bred New Englander who brings a calm, cool, and collected energy to all of Burgeon’s endeavors as one of our most long-standing employees.  He’s been our Director of Marketing for going on two years (we’re still so young!), plus almost a year’s worth of experience with the company through internships and part-time work before that.  He has a lot of institutional knowledge, and I’ve been lucky enough to learn a lot from him.
Meet Sabrina Hamilton

Meet Sabrina Hamilton

It’s hard to summarize what Sabrina does for Burgeon Outdoor in just a title.  As our Lead Stitcher, she fabricates a significant portion of our products herself (I can think of at least five items in my closet right now that have been made by her hands), but she brings so much more to the Burgeon team than the skills of a talented stitcher. 
My Daily Routine: Abishai Corey

My Daily Routine: Abishai Corey

This is a crucial year because college coaches are observing my results, as well as my rankings/points. This season started in Stubai, Austria.
Summer, Without the Break: Abishai Corey

Summer, Without the Break: Abishai Corey

This summer I have been working on raising money and increasing muscle. Ski racing isn’t exactly the cheapest sport so I work three to four jobs each summer to support my dream. 
Year 5

Year 5

 Year 5 has already started.  It is hard to believe that just over four years ago Burgeon Outdoor was born.  

When we started we did not know if Burgeon would be a day hike, a Presi Traverse, a Direttissima, an Appalachian Trail through hike, or something more.  But we know now.  It is something more, much, much more.

Burgeon Athlete: Ryan Kempson

Burgeon Athlete: Ryan Kempson

Kite surfer, coach, carpenter, timber framer, trail runner, mountain climber, cyclist, basketball player, skier, New Englander, obstacle course racing world champion. All this (and more) describes Ryan Kempson, Burgeon’s newest athlete and field tester.
Season Wrap-Up: Abishai Corey

Season Wrap-Up: Abishai Corey

Many say a season is over when you cross the finish line of your final race. This, however, is not true for me. The off-season is where I prepare for the next season. As my dad says, “Races in February are won now.” I know next season will come up quicker than I imagine, and all I can do is prepare for it.
Burgeon Named One of 2023’s Best Sustainable Outdoor Brands

Burgeon Named One of 2023’s Best Sustainable Outdoor Brands

Lincoln, New Hampshire: On April 22nd, Field & Stream named Burgeon Outdoor as one of 2023’s Best Sustainable Outdoor Brands. The rankings recognize outdoor brands committed to keeping the consumer’s and planet’s best interests in mind. Burgeon is one of 13 apparel brands to make the list. Among them are prestigious brands like Cotopaxi, Helly Hansen, and Patagonia. 
Winning the Day, not the Race

Winning the Day, not the Race

The Tuckerman Inferno is a daunting challenge - a six mile fat bike, a six mile cross country ski, a five mile snowshoe, a 2.4 mile trail run and a ski mountaineering course in Tuckerman Ravine.  It’s certainly not for everyone.  The race requires both endurance and expertise in multiple outdoor skills.