Passing out Turkeys for Thanksgiving is a Burgeon Tradition
Each year, we offer all of our employees a turkey for them to celebrate Thanksgiving. While this tradition has its roots from the manufacturing days of old, we feel that today, it is as important as ever.
I have fond memories of Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving was the only holiday where all you had to do was show up, enjoy the company of family and friends, and eat. Just enjoy each other's company over a celebratory meal and be thankful. Have seconds or thirds - or don't. An extra slice of pie is OK, as is not having dessert at all. Hopefully the turkey makes it a little easier for everyone to enjoy this special time.

This year we are especially grateful for many things. As Thanksgiving arrives tomorrow, Burgeon will be giving thanks for:
- Our team is healthy - and may it stay that way
- Making it through our first year in business in a challenging environment
- The support from the local community who have cheered us on, referred friends and family, and purchased our products
- The opportunity to make an impact in our community by donating more than 10,000 masks to organizations and individuals in need
- Doubling the size of our stitching team since the start of the pandemic
- Our vendors and suppliers who helped us develop and innovate new products during a tumultuous year
- Our families who have supported us, loved us, and been there when the days were not so bright
- Our customers, without whom, none of this would be possible--your support motivates us to improve every day
We wish all of you a joyous Thanksgiving holiday. We are optimistic that the day will bring you laughter, love, and fun. May this time recharge your spirits and brighten your horizons.
We hope that you will continue to support us in the coming years. We are creating something special here in Lincoln, New Hampshire and we hope that you will continue to be a part of it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~ Rudy